Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Photo Caption Competition

I took this photo a few days ago. It made me laugh, and still does, every time I look at it.

Yep, she's on the back porch. Right beside her blackboard, with chalk in hand. On the potty.

I have several captions running through my head ... "A loo with a view" springs to mind.

But I want to hear your witticisms -- so I am going to give away a fresh serve of my favourite bath product - delicious lemon myrtle and rosemary bath salts - to the person whose caption suits best. Just leave your title or caption in a comment to this post, and I will announce the winner on Saturday, 31 May (Australian time).

And, dare I say it -- bring out your best 'toilet humour'!!


Aimee said...

How about "The Poop Deck"?

Priceless photo!!