Friday, 25 January 2008

To Dr Smith, with Love

Is there any more important service provider to your family, than your trusted family doctor? Ours is a lovely man, Dr Smith, who has 2 children of his own and a very thriving practice. He used to be located much closer to us at the Cherished household, but has moved his business to about 20 minutes drive away. He is so popular that getting appointments at short notice is difficult, and he is perennially late (go at 9.45 for a 9am booking!).

But he is so good with Naomi, and at reassuring her parents. Naomi had her 12 month injections today (well, 2 of them - the third is in 2 weeks time, because of a shortage of the vaccine), as well as a weigh and measure. That was the part I was dreading. At 6 months I took her to our local free health clinic for injections and a check-up. I ended up feeling terrible as the nurse told me she was "failing to thrive", due to her being in the bottom 10th percentile for size. I was told that I wasn't breastfeeding her enough (6 times a day was not enough?!?!).

Since that time I have snuck into the self-serve weigh and measure room, avoiding clinic hours, to monitor Naomi's progress without being guilt-tripped over having a small child (hello -- I am 5'2". Brad is 5'4". Do you think we will be breeding basketballers???).

So when Dr Smith weighed and measured her and we saw that she has not grown any taller, nor put on any significant weight in the last month, he just looked at me and said "Is she active?" -- Yes, started walking and can't keep her still! --. "Does she eat well?" -- Yes, like a horse --. "Is she still breastfeeding?" -- Yes, at least twice a day--. His final verdict -- "Well, then, she is doing fine and is going to be a petite little darling."

I could have kissed him. What a relief to not be put through the wringer.

And, after injections, he gave her a balloon and personally drew a smiley face on it. No sugar-loaded treats in sight, but she was happily playing with the balloon all the way home.

So, I have come to the conclusion that if you find a good doctor, stick with them. Through late appointments and longer drives. Stick with them.


Barbara said...

Sasha you are so right about hanging on to a good doctor. I find the ones that go the extra mile (or just aren't plain rude)few and far between. Here we have a large practice and if you want to see one of the 'good' docs you have to book well ahead.

Congrats to Naomi on her first steps and on her 1st birthday. The cake sounds lovely.

Kara said...

Good doctors are a treasue!! By the way I tagged you today:)