Wednesday, 21 November 2007

WFMW - lovely scents

I think that scents are one of the finishing touches that adds to your house being a home, so here are two pretty-smelling tips for your sniffing pleasure!

If you have scented soaps or candles that you are not yet using (perhaps, like me, you already have an abundance of candles on display!), use those scents in other ways! Tuck them into your linen press, underwear drawer or wardrobe. The smells will be magnified in the small spaces, and you get to enjoy them before the burning or washing begins.
Second, to make a dry nappy-bucket less offensive every time you lift the lid, sprinkle bicarbonate soda in the bottom of the bucket, and then sprinkle a few drops of your favourite essential oil in the bottom. Repeat the sprinkling of oil in on top of the nappies as often as you want. The bicarb soaks up the odours, and your oils will help to cover up any lingering smells - and it all washes out before going back on baby's bottom.


Kerith Collins said...

that is a really good idea...i have 3 in diapers so i have to buy some soap now to cover up the poop factory smell...bye.

Anonymous said...

Great tip. I just put a candle in my drawer before I sent this comment to you.