I have been having some very productive domestic days.... and some less than productive ones!
But a quick round-up of a few websites that I have found inspiring on the home front are:
Busy Mothers - a website set up to support and sell an organising manual. I have bought the download version, and have actually started to use the menu planner, and Christmas preparation lists. It is also good to have all the emergency info in one place - although it is somewhat Australia-specific.
Organized Home - some very good tips on de-cluttering etc, and inspirational articles on all sorts of home things. Also good free downloadable organising pages, holiday preparation lists etc.
Saving Dinner - This one I found through the Flylady. It is a menu-planning service that, for a small subscription, sends a weeks' worth of recipes, and a shopping-list, straight to your email. I found that the savings I made on groceries more than paid for subscription, and the peace of mind of knowing what was for dinner was priceless. There are some recipes that I wouldn't cook again, but some have become household favourites (among those of us old enough to vote!).
Do you know of any other inspirational home websites? What do you do for inspiration when you can't see past the pile of dirty dishes or laundry??
1 year ago
May I suggest my own website - http://www.SolutionsForBusyMoms.com
And get your FREE Busy Mom's Stress Relief Kit while you're there.
I can't wait to check these sites out!
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