Friday, 12 October 2007

Slow down, Mum!!

As you can see, this bronchiolitis isn't keeping a good baby down... she is as active as ever. And in fact more so now, because of the medication that she is on! We have to give it with breakfast, because any later in the day will affect her night time sleeping! This is a photo of Naomi commando scooting across our kitchen floor - she follows me back and forth around the kitchen. I don't think she's figured out that if she sits in the middle of the kitchen floor, she can see me wherever I go. She gets quite irritated when I walk around too much!

But she does get plenty of rest time. Showing here, lazing in a sun lounger, champagne at the ready, at a remote beach resort (where we went for a couple of days after the wedding). It's a tough life, but some baby's got to do it!


Unknown said...

she's soo cute! so glad that she's feeling better!

Kara said...

She is a cutie!